Monday, March 9, 2009

Washroom, Windsor Secondary, circa 1996

You can pass through life in many ways; some can move through never looking into much with great detail. Others, can end up lost in thought, so much so that reality never enters their scope. My thoughts are shaped by the reality I see; in that I do get lost in my mind, but the trigger's are in reality. Things that occur in life offer a continuous trail of "What if's ?".
Rewind back to Grade 8; in a washroom, in a stall. There upon the wall was written:

Some come here to sit and think,
Some come here to shit and stink.
I came here to scratch my balls,
and read the writings on the walls

This one single poem has had the luck of being the sole poem that I have remembered, in completion, in my entire educational career. In fact, it is perhaps the only think that I read in high school that left me thinking for more than a day. I shall never know the author, but in my view, he left the most fitting and honest remark ever written on a bathroom wall. Short, in rhyme, and witty; how much more can one ask for? To him I say this; I hope your wit got you far and may you never cease to share it...

To the rest of you thinkers out there; do leave your mark, but make sure its worth leaving. It is the short bits of genius that inspire the many.

This is my first blog post, what you will see here are the everyday things, situations and concepts that I come across.

Thank you for stopping by...

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